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My puppies are sold exclusively from word of mouth, my website and from the American Kennel Club website Marketplace, any other advertisements you may see online with my name or that of Astarte Kennels are fraudulent and should be ignored.

About our Girls and The Barbet Standard !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Margie Cook's "Mya" out of Montage White Magic Woman (my Isabell) and CH Almaza Roman Emporer is earned an AKC Championship as of 4/12/2010 on the ARIZONA CIRCUIT with over 20 points

Congratulations Margie and 'Mya' now owned by Margie Cook

CH.Astartes Clare De Lune

owned by Margie Cook

The Bichon Girls

Halva De La Montage

out of Ch Cabochon Kenningway Eat Fudge


Montage White Magic Woman (Isabell)

out of Dutch/American and Canadian Champion Specials for Heavens By V

Call name 'Isabell' here are her puppies at 24 hours old a litter of 6

we are looking to see some of them in the show ring !!!

An Issys baby at 10 weeks

Astartes Fascinaten Rythem

Fanny is Sired by Ch Roman Emperor 4x Group winner and her Dam is the beautiful Montage White Magic Woman

40+ Champions in her 5 generation pedigree includes

BIS/BISS Ch Parays Provocative

Ch Parays Propaganda


One of Fanny's and Romans babies.......

                       OK !! How cute am I??

Ch Almazas Just Right Dancer is Rudy's and Nicolas's Mom.

She is a treasure to us and I thank Almaza for sharing this girl with me bring such beauty into my blood line.

Dancer is the daughter of "JR" the only Bichon Frise to win Westminster Kennel Club Dog show.

The Barbet

UKC Champion and International CH Neigenuveaux's Flueur De Lis AKA "LIBBY'

BIG NEWS FLASH Libby is now an International Champion!!!! AND a United Kennel Club Ch. Libby is currently in AKC FSS registery

Libby OFA'd Excellant for hips knees elbows and OFA CERF was normal

Libby will be having babies this spring 2014!!!

Thank You Florence Erwin for our lovely girl

Neigenuveaux's Barbet Canada

We are a rare breed newly accepted into the American Kennel Club as a Sporting breed  as of January 1, 2020. Many of the great dogs breeds come from them, including the Bichon, Poodle, Porties and many of the water dogs.

We don't shed and are as non allergenic as the Bichons.


Canadian and UKC CHampion Neigenuveaux's Grand Mariner AKA Marnee

(daughter of Darwin)

We are excited to say that Marnee is the perfect addition to our family

Marnee in the backyard

Baby Libby

We love the water and will retrieve EVERYTHING in sight, calm and totally lovable family dogs. Libby come from Florence Erwin in Canada. A wonderful breeder of wonderful dogs. Libby will be shown in Canada and then bred, so watch for the Barbet's.

AND remember we are not a Doodle!!!!!

As of January 1 2020 the Barbet has AKC acceptance and can be shown in the Sporting Group in Confirmation. But we excel in obedience, rally, dock jumping, nose work and sitting in front of the fire with our people.

Libby completed her UKC Championship in the first weekend out and also has her International Ch.

As A Member of the  American And UKC Barbet

CKC Standards Barbet (Canadian Kennel Club)

CKC Standards Barbet

Origin & Purpose

This is an ancient breed seen all over France, used for hunting water game. It is already

mentioned and described in the 16th century scripts. Waterdog used for hunting game birds. The

waterdog is not just a retriever; he must search for game hidden in water vegetation, must locate

it and flush it out. He then retrieves the shot game to his master. He withstands cold and will go

into water in any weather. The barbet was also used as a retriever by the navy.

General Appearance

A dog of medium size and proportions with characteristic thick woolly fleece which protects him

from cold and damp. The coat forms a beard on the chin to which the breed owes its name.


Even temperament, neither aggressive nor nervous, tractable. Very devoted to his master. Good

mixer. Loves water.


Dogs 58 cm and Bitches 53 cm (minimum height at withers).

Coat & Color

Skin: thick.

Coat: long, woolly and curly, forming cords. The coat is profuse and, in its natural state, covers

the entire body. That is a particular breed characteristic. Since time immemorial, the barbet has

been clipped in order to ease his work and lifestyle. According to how he is used, the barbet can

present different appearances.

Color: solid black, grey, chestnut brown, red fawn, sandy, white or pied. All shades from red

fawn to sandy are permitted. Preferably the whole body should be in even shade.


The coat on the head must fall to the bridge of the nose. The beard is long and ample; the

profuse moustache covers the whole muzzle. Skull: round and broad. Stop: pronounced. Muzzle:

quite square. The bridge of nose is broad and short. Lips: thick, pigmented, completely covered

by long hair. T he pigmentation of the mucous membranes may be black or brown. Eyes: round,

preferably dark brown. Ears: set on low (in line with eyes or slightly lower), long, flat, broad,

covered by long hair which forms cords. If the ears are held together across the noseleather, they

reach (with the hair) at least 5 cm beyond it. The ear cartilage reaches beyond the corner of the


Jaws/Teeth: Jaws of equal length, scissor bite, strong teeth, incisors well developed

and well aligned.


Short and strong


Shoulders: sloping. The scapulo-humeral angle varies from 110 to 115°. Upper arm: strong and

muscular. Lower arm: straight, strong, perpendicular, completely covered by long hair. Strong

bone structure.


Back: very slightly convex. Loin: arched, short and strong. Croup: rounded in profile. Chest:

broad, developed, quite deep, rounded ribcage.


Upper thigh: slight slope, well muscled. Hocks: set low. Well angulated. Metatarsus: well upright.

Feet: round, broad, covered with hair.


Somewhat raised, yet not above a horizontal line. Set on low, forming a slight hook at the end.


Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with

which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

• Head fine and narrow; bridge of nose thin and long; lips thin.

• Light eyes.

• Ears high set (higher than eye level), thin, short and narrow.

• Neck long and thin

• Top line hollow.

• Loin long and weak.

• Croup straight.

• Chest narrow.

• Tail high set on, curled over back.

• Lack of tail; stumpy tail

• Shoulders upright.

• Upper arm thin.

• Lower arm fine boned. Forelegs fringed.

• Upper thigh flat; hocks straight; hindlegs fringed. Dewclaws.

• Feet thin and narrow, lacking hair.

• Skin thin.

• Overshot or Undershot wry jaw

• Coat short, harsh, not woolly, not curly.

• All colours other than those mentioned in the standard. Coat with markings (parti or

tricolour), black overlay, brindle, spotted, mottled. Solid colour not in even shade.


Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

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